Electric field
16 Mar, 2013
PRESENTATION: The lines of a vector field, conventionally, are defined as tangents to that field, oriented in the same direction as the field and being the field module proportional in one point to the number of lines that per unit area crosses the area unit which is perpendicular to them. These lines can present any geometry, but they cannot be cut in any case.
- The Circle of Apollonius and Its Applications in Introductory Physics, Michael B. Partensky, Phys. Teach. 46, 104 (2008)
- On the drawing of lines of force and equipotentials, Leo Kristjansson, Phys. Teach. 23, 202 (1985)
INTRODUCTION: The concept of field lines (or force lines) was introduced by Michael Faraday (1791-1867). They are imaginary lines that help visualize how the electric field changes when passing from one point to another point in the space. They indicate the trajectories which the positive charge unit would follow if it is let loose, thus the field lines get out of the positive charges and reach the negative charges.
OBJECTIVE: To be able to draw the electric field lines.
MATERIALS: CC power supply, grass seeds, 2 iron bars, stand, metal wire.
SETUP: The grass seeds will be sprinkled on the stand. The two iron bars will be placed joined together with metal wire to the CC power supply. Once the power supply is connected the iron bars will act creating an electric field where the grass seeds will start drawing the lines of the field.
EXPLANATION: A static electric field can be geometrically represented with lines so that at each point the vector field is tangential to those lines, these lines are called “field lines”. Mathematically the field lines are the integral curves of the vector field. The field lines are used to create a graphical representation of the field and they can be as many as necessary to visualize.
CONCEPTS: electric field, field lines, Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law, Faraday’s law.
- R. Serway, Física, Mac Graw Hill, 2010.
- P. Tipler, Física para la Ciencia y la tecnología, Reverté, 2012.
- R. Ehrlich, Turning the World Inside Out and 174 Other Simple Physics Demonstrations, Princeton University Press, 1997.
STUDENTS 2011-2012: Isaac Pérez, Raquel Pérez, Marco Antonio Pérez, Araceli Mercedes Pérez
LINK pdf STUDENTS (in Spanish):
5 responses to "Electric field"
Una forma de conocer la distribución de capas conductoras en el subsuelo o el corte geoeléctrico en cada punto, es mediante la realización de perfiles electromagnéticos en el dominio de la frecuencia, tal y como se muestra en el siguiente enlace.
Son profesor de Bioloxía e a Física pura quédame un pouco grande, polo que tratarei de relacioa-lo fenómeno físico tratado cun algún aspecto da Bioloxía.
Neste caso voume referir a uns electrorreceptores que teñen moitos animais, pero que nos tiburóns están especialmente desenvolvidos.
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O seguinte vídeo mostra varios experimentos no que se empregan diferentes obxectos e formas para os conductores termináis e se indica como medir os potenciais ao redor dos electrodos.
En esta página web de PhET Interactive Simulations podemos simular el campo eléctrico generado por el conjunto de cargas distribuidas como queramos. Es decir, se pueden dibujar figuras bidimensionales con las cargas eléctricas que proporciona la página web para descubrir la forma aproximada del campo eléctrico que generarían.
En el siguiente vídeo se muestra un experimento sencillo con materiales comunes y disponibles en un laboratorio para ver la forma de las líneas de un campo eléctrico con dos disposiciones diferentes de sus electrodos.