Mining and Energy Engineering School | Vigo University
Energy Engineering | Mining and Energy Resources Engineering



Sometimes science teaching is conducted with little care about actual scientific facts. As a result, its influence can be reduced to get basics skills that are not enough to meet today needs for long life learning. Our project offers as a complement different free masterclasses for students and teachers with the aim of promoting hands-on science education. These masterclasses were designed to engage and motivate students in their learning of science and support the teaching of science curriculum making use of common and pedagogical material in realistic hands-on demonstrations. Masterclasses designed in general to provide an interactive learning experience through entertainment and enjoyment and, in particular, to facilitate discussion of concepts related with for example about optics and photonics (light, colour, interference, difraction, ..) and that attempted to merge informal and formal learning with research Masterclasses began with a presentation that provides the context for learning and a set of activities that help students to visualize, comprehend and connect to their knowledge. During the presentation, proper in-context relations with the curricula are established. Since the hands-on demonstrations spark student’s interest, facilitate learning, are short and easy to replicate, these masterclasses have also the objective of instigating the teachers to progress their daily work, since they can introduce new methods of interaction between the subject and the students, like those that can be found in Scientix, encouraging them to take part in its activities, and providing them the links for updates and news about Scientix.

Topics: Light and color; White light interference; Geometric optics; Diffraction; Polarization; …

Physics Prize. Royal Spanish Society of Physics – BBVA Foundation 2023

Video example (02/13/2019): One of the simplest interferometers in the world

Ask for a masterclass: Contact with bvazquez at

  1. IES Manuel Chamoso Lamas 20-10-2011, 22-02-2019, 18-11-2021, 20-04-2023, 28-05-2024
  2. IES Plurilingüe Fontem Albei 18-11-2011
  3. IES Álvaro Cunqueiro 10-02-2012
  4. CEIP de Belesar 17-02-2012, 14-03-2012, 28-03-2012
  5. IES Arcebispo Xelmírez I 22-11-2012
  6. IES Xograr Afonso Gómez 20-11-2015
  7. Escola Rosalía de Castro 29-04-2014, 08-05-2015, 29-04-2016, 13-04-2018, 27-04-2021, 16-05-2024
  8. IES As Barxas 23-04-2014, 27-11-2024
  9. IES Val Miñor 08-04-2014, 01-02-2016
  10. IES Politécnico 20-04-2012, 31-01-2013, 11-04-2014, 14-03-2017, 01-03-2018, 25-04-2019, 19-02-2020, 23-04-2021, 20-02-2024
  11. IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro 03-04-2014, 15-02-2108, 12-03-2020, 16-03-2022, 15-02-2024, 23-01-2025
  12. Colexio Apostol 17-03-2015
  13. IES Pedra da Auga 05-04-2015, 18-04-2016, 23-05-2017
  14. IES Escolas Proval 24-02-2011, 23-01-2012, 28-03-2013, 03-03-2015
  15. IES Antón Alonso Ríos 16-03-2015, 08-03-2021, 28-05-2021, 16-03-2022, 23-03-2023, 26-04-2023, 23-01-2025, 27-03-2025
  16. IES de Vilalonga 07-04-2016, 13-04-2023
  17. CIP de Vedra 14-04-2016
  18. IES Johan Carballeira 28-04-2016, 8-11-2017, 09-02-2022
  19. IES Universidade Laboral 26-03-2016, 04-11-2019, 04-10-2021, 20-01-2022
  20. Colegio Miralba 10-05-2016
  21. CPR Plurilingüe María Auxiliadora Ourense 19-04-2016, 27-01-2017, 11-12-2017, 25-01-2019, 25-11-2019, 15-04-2021
  22. IES Aquis Celenis 29-11-2016
  23. IES Ricardo Mella 23-01-2017
  24. IES do Castro 24-01-2017, 21-02-2018, 12-03-2021
  25. IES Primeiro de Marzo 30-01-2017, 11-02-2019, 17-12-2021, 16-12-2022, 18-01-2024, 12-12-2024
  26. IES Torrente Ballester 03-02-2017, 18-01-2018, 11-01-2023
  27. IES Rosais 2 06-02-2017, 20-06-2022
  28. IES nº 1 de Ordes 17-02-2017
  29. CPI “Camiño de Santiago” 02-03-2017
  30. IES Xulián Magariños 18-11-2016, 02-03-2017
  31. Colegio Los Sauces  07-03-2017
  32. Colegio Amor de Dios 14-03-2017
  33. IES República Oriental do Uruguai 17-03-2017
  34. IES de Rodeira 22-03-2017
  35. IES Val do Tea 18-04-2016 28-03-2017
  36. IES Pazo da Mercé 29-03-2017, 25-03-2021
  37. IES San Paio 04-04-2017
  38. CPI Julia Becerra Malvar 24-04-2017
  39. IES Rosalía de Castro 24-04-2017, 28-11-2017, 23-03-2021, 09-02-2022
  40. IES de A Guía 26-04-2017, 30-04-2021, 19-10-2021
  41. IES de Ponte Caldelas 27-04-2017, 21-12-2024
  42. IES Ferro Couselo 29-11-2017
  43. IES San Mamede 18-12-2017
  44. IES de Ribadeo Dionisio Gamallo 23-01-2018
  45. IES Eduardo Pondal 24-01-2018, 23-03-2021
  46. IES de Teis 25-01-2018
  47. IES Felix Muriel 31-01-2018, 06-04-2021, 08-04-2021
  48. IES Terra do Xallas 09-02-2018
  49. IES Armando Cotarelo Valledor 16-02-2018
  50. IES de Valga 23-02-2018, 16-11-2024
  51. IES Antón Fraguas 27-02-2018, 05-02-2019
  52. IES Ribeira do Louro 28-02-2018, 14-02-2020, 03-03-2021, 16-11-2021, 03-03-2022, 22-11-2022, 21-05-2024
  53. IES de Valadares 01-03-2018, 10-04-2019, 20-03-2024
  54. IES Santa Irene 02-03-2108, 09-12-2019, 21-04-2023, 10-04-2024
  55. IES do Milladoiro 19-03-2018
  56. IES Monte da Vila 19-03-2018
  57. IES Otero Pedrayo 20-03-2018
  58. IES San Campo Alberto 21-03-2018, 17-12-2019
  59. IES de Chapela 22-03-2018, 27-11-2019
  60. IES Antón Losada Dieguez 05-11-2018, 01-03-2021, 27-01-2022, 25-01-2023, 24-03-2023, 16-01-2025, 02-04-2025
  61. IES Lagoa de Antela 11-01-2019, 05-03-2021, 21-04-2022, 18-05-2023, 24-11-2023, 24-05-2024, 21-03-2025
  62. IES Eduardo Blanco Amor 22-11-2013, 17-01-2019, 16-04-2021, 28-03-2025
  63. Colegio Fogar de Santa Margarida 05-02-2019, 30-04-2021
  64. IES Perdouro 20-02-2019, 09-03-2021, 23-04-2021
  65. IES Montecastelo 20-02-2019
  66. Colexio La Salle 13-03-2019
  67. IES de Poio 21-03-2019, 19-12-2019, 17-12-2020, 21-12-2021, 11-05-2023
  68. IES A Xunqueira 2 28-03-2019, 21-03-2022, 12-04-2023, 19-04-2023, 29-11-2023, 03-04-2024, 22-01-2024, 30-04-2025
  69. IES Ánxel Fole 29-03-2019
  70. IES A Pinguela 03-04-2019, 18-11-2019, 28-01-2022
  71. IES Salvaterra de Miño 11-04-2019, 14-04-2021, 28-04-2022
  72. IES Terra de Trasancos 12-04-2019, 09-03-2021
  73. IES de Soutomaior 23-04-2019
  74. IES Alexandre Bóveda 26-04-2019, 23-09-2022
  75. Colegio Mariano 10-05-2019, 10-03-2021
  76. Colegio Santo Tomás 24-05-2019
  77. Colegio Vigo 05-11-2019, 02-11-2021, 28-11-2022, 10-11-2023, 12-11-2024
  78. CPI Fonte Díaz 07-11-2019
  79. IES Chano Piñeiro 22-11-2019
  80. IES María Sarmiento 16-11-2019
  81. IES Miguel Ángel González 19-12-2019
  82. IES Castro Alobre 27-01-2020
  83. IES Pontepedriña 10-01-2020
  84. IES de Beade 15-01-2020
  85. IES Plurilingüe de Ames 07-02-2020, 29-03-2023, 12-01-2024, 09-01-2025
  86. IES Coruxo 11-02-2020, 18-03-2022,  17-03-2023, 20-03-2024, 20-03-2025
  87. IES As Mariñas 11-03-2020
  88. IES As Cacheiras 16-03-2021
  89. IES A Sangriña 26-03-2021, 10-12-2021, 22-03-2024
  90. IES Lucus Augusti 26-03-2021, 24-04-2024
  91. CPR Plurilingüe Compañía de María  Vigo 12-04-2021, 20-04-2021, 18-05-2022, 24-10-2024, 12-12-2024
  92. CPR Plurilingüe Compañía de María  Cangas 14-06-2021
  93. IES A Cañiza 24-09-2021, 30-09-2022
  94. IES Sánchez Cantón 16-12-2021, 20-12-2022
  95. IES Laxeiro 07-04-2022, 10-01-2025
  96. IES A Basela 08-04-2022, 11-04-2023
  97. IES Ramón Cabanillas 10-06-2022, 19-01-2024
  98. IES Pedro Floriani 08-06-2022
  99. IES de Mos 16-11-2022
  100. IES Illa de Tambo 19-12-2022
  101. IES de Allariz 26-01-2023, 17-12-2024
  102. E.P.A.P.U. Nelson Mandela 31-03-2023, 20-10-2023, 20-09-2024
  103. IES Nº 1 de Carballiño 20-04-2023
  104. IES Cidade de Antioquía 18-05-2023, 21-03-2025
  105. IES María Soliño 26-05-2023
  106. IES Castelao 28-09-2023
  107. Colexio Concepción Arenal 20-11-2023
  108. IES Plurilingüe A Paralaia 30-11-2023
  109. IES 12 de outubro 15-12-2023
  110. IES Marco do Camballón 17-01-2024
  111. IES Pedras Rubias 24-01-2024
  112. Colexio Plurilingüe María Auxiliadora Vigo  29-02-2024
  113. IES Carlos Casares 10-05-2023
  114. CPI Curros Enríquez 24-09-2024
  115. IES de Oroso 06-11-2024
  116. Colegio San Pablo VI-Fátima 14-02-2025
  117. IES Luis Seoane 21-11-2024
  118. IES Val do Asma 31-01-2025
  119. Colegio Maristas el Pilar 24-04-2025
  120. Colegio Maristas Santa María 25-05-2025
  121. IES García Barros  16-01-2025, 02-04-2025
  122. IES As Lagoas 19-12-2025
  123. IES do Sar 23-04-2025
  124. IES Maximino Romero de Lema 15-05-2025
  125. CPI Aurelio Marcelino Rey García 03-04-2025